

2022 New Year Transit Predictions


This new year 2022 begins on the star of Jyeshtha (Kettai) Nakshatra which is ruled by Mercury. Venus is in retrograde at the beginning of this year. Saturn will be in Makara Rasi but goes to Kumba Rasi as adhi saram between April 30 and July 14, 2022. Jupiter will be in Kumba Rasi until April 14, 2022, and then move onto Meena Rasi.

Rahu will be transiting from Rishaba Rasi to Mesha Rasi and Ketu will be from Vrischika Rasi to Thula Rasi on April 14, 2022. This is the same day when Jupiter moves to Kumba Rasi. As 3 planets – Rahu, Ketu and Jupiter make the transit on the same day April 14, 2022, when Sun gets exalted, there will be significant shift in fortunes for everyone from April 14, 2022. Jupiter will be in retrograde between July 28 and Nov 26, 2022, in Meena Rasi. Saturn will be in retrograde between June 4 and Oct 23, 2022.

Aries – Mesha Rasi

This new year 2022 welcomes you with a good note. Jupiter on your 11th house of labha sthana will deliver good fortunes when this new year begins. The malefic effects of Saturn on your 10th house, Rahu on your 2nd house and Ketu on your 8th house will be less. You will have sound health, good relationship, excellent career and financial growth between Jan 01, and April 14, 2022, with the strength of Jupiter. You will be able to buy a new home. Cash flow is indicated from multiple sources. You will be hosting subha karya functions. Your family will gain a good name and fame in the society.

You may expect a slowdown between April 14, and July 28, 2022. But this period is unlikely to create any major problems. But things may not go well between July 28 and Oct 23, 2022. You may expect to have minor problems creeping up in your family environment. Your work life balance will get affected. You will not be able to make any good progress on anything you do.

The time after Oct 23, 2022 is going to be a testing period. The malefic effects of Rahu on your Janma Rasi and Ketu on your Kalathra sthanam will be felt badly. You need to reduce your expectations and growth at your workplace. You may lose mental peace due to failures and disappointments in your relationship. You may also get cheated on money matters.

It is not a good time to host subha karya functions.

Taurus– Rishaba Rasi

You might have done very well with the favorable transit of Jupiter and Saturn on your bhagya sthana in the last year of 2021. But this new year 2022 will start on a dull note. Jupiter transit on your 10th house will affect your career and financial growth. Rahu on your Janma Rasi will increase your physical ailments. Ketu will affect the relationship with your spouse and in-laws.

But your testing phase is short lived for 4 months only. The upcoming transit of Jupiter, Rahu, and Ketu on April 14, 2022 are looking very good. You will have good fortunes between April 14 and July 28, 2022. Jupiter on your 11th house will give you good fortunes in multiple aspects of your life. You will see great success in your career and finance. You will do very well in your family, love, and relationship.

There will be setbacks and obstacles between July 28, 2022 and Oct 23, 2022 when Jupiter goes retrograde. You need to think twice before making any important decisions. But you will regain good strength and make excellent progress between Oct 24 and Dec 31, 2022. You will find a new job from a big company with a good salary package. Long awaited promotions will happen now. Cash flow is indicated from multiple sources. It is a good time to buy and move into a new home. Foreign travel opportunities are indicated on the cards.

Midhuna Rasi (Gemini Moon Sign)

There are no words to explain the painful experience you went through in the last year of October and November 2021. But this new year will welcome you with a very happy note. Jupiter on your 9th house is aspecting your Janma Rasi will give you big fortunes. Ketu in your 6th house will accelerate your growth and success. The negative aspects of Saturn and Rahu will get nullified.

You will experience very good changes between Jan 01, 2022 and April 14, 2022. If you have lost your job, you will find an excellent job offer with a good salary package. You will come out of the emotional trauma experienced in the past. If you went through any separation in your relationship, it is a good time for reconciliation. If you are single, you will find a suitable match and get married. Foreign travel opportunities are indicated on the cards. Your bank loans will get approved. It is a good time to refinance your loans to lower your interest rate.

The time between April 14, 2022 and Oct 23, 2022 is looking average. It is going to be a dull period with no significant changes. Things will be under your control and hence nothing to be worried about. You need to increase your soft skills to sort out the problems. But the time

is between Oct 24 and Dec 31, 2022 is looking much worse. If you are not careful, you may lose all the fortunes you got between Jan 01, 2022 and April 14, 2022.

Kataga Rasi (Cancer Moon Sign)

This new year starts with Jupiter in your 8th house of asthma sthana. Saturn placement on your 7th house is also not looking good. Ketu in your 5th house will increase anxiety and tension. It is going to be a severe testing phase for you between Jan 01 and April 14, 2022. You may lose your mental peace due to continuous failures and disappointments. There will be office politics and conspiracy at your workplace. You may also lose your job. Your bank loans will not get approved. Your medical and travel expenses will skyrocket. You may get cheated on money matters. You may get into legal troubles and may get defamed before April 14, 2022.

Things will get a lot better between April 14, 2022 and Oct 28, 2022. You will come out of the past painful incidents. If you went through separation in your relationship, it is a good time for reconciliation. You will be able to find a new job with a good salary package. Your financial situation will improve a lot. The time between Oct 28, and Dec 31, 2022 is going to be a golden period. Let it be anything you do, will materialize into a great success. It is an excellent time to get married. Long awaited couples will get blessed with a baby. You will be happy in moving to a new home. Your family will gain a good name and fame in the society.

Simha Rasi (Leo Moon Sign)

The start of this new year between Jan 01 and April 14, 2022 is going to be a “raja yoga” period. This period will turn out to be one of the best times in your life. You will enjoy golden moments in your relationship. It is an excellent time to start a new relationship. Birth of a child will increase happiness in your family. Cash Flow will be surplus. You will get promoted to senior level with good salary hikes. You will be happy with profits from stock investments.

But Jupiter moving onto your 8th house on April 14, 2022 will create obstacles and affect your growth. You will see mixed results between April 14, 2022 and Nov 23, 2022. You will make good progress on your long-term goals with the strength of Saturn. But you will not be able to make good progress on your short-term ventures. You need to accept this slowdown and reduce your expectations to get mental peace.

Unfortunately, the time between Nov 23, 2022 and Dec 31, 2022 is looking much worse. Already planned subha karya functions will get cancelled beyond your control. Your work life will get affected with office politics and conspiracy through hidden enemies. Avoid giving surety to bank loans for your friends and relatives. Stay away from stock trading completely as financial disaster is indicated on the cards.

Kanni Rasi (Virgo Moon Sign)

This New Year starts with Jupiter on your 6th house of runa roga sathru sthana. Saturn on your 5th house will increase your anxiety and tension. Rahu on your 9th house is also not looking good. The time between Jan 01 and April 14, 2022 will create bitter experiences in your life. Both your body and mind will get affected badly. You may go through a separation in your relationship. Office politics will also get much more severe. You need to take care of your emotional health. It is going to be a challenging time for your finances. Stay away from stock trading completely.

Jupiter in the 7th house from April 14, 2022 will provide excellent relief. Rahu / Ketu transit will increase your fortunes between April 14, and Oct 23, 2022. You will come out of the bitter past. You will regain your sound health and emotional strength. Your expenses will go down. You will come out of the debt problems. You will have a good relationship with your spouse and children. It is a good time to move into a new home.

Unfortunately, the time between Oct 23, 2022 and Dec 31, 2022 will create further setbacks in your relationship. Saturn gaining strength on your 5th house will affect your love life. You will not be able to make any decisions clearly. The good news is that you will not get affected by your career or finances during this period.

Thula Rasi (Libra Moon Sign)

This new year 2022 will welcome you with a very good note. Jupiter will be expecting your Janma Rasi after 7 years. Saturn on your 4th house of Ardhastama sthana is not good. You may expect to see good changes on multiple aspects of your health. Your ailing health will recover. Your medical expenses will go down. You will find a new job with a good salary package. Long awaited promotion will happen now. Your financial situation will improve a lot. You will see modest gain on your investments. You will be successful in conducting subha karya functions until April 14, 2022.

But you may experience mixed results between April 14, 2022 and Oct 23, 2022. As Saturn and Jupiter will be in retrograde, you will get stuck on anything you do. You are unlikely to make any good progress due to excessive delays. You need to reduce your expectations for your career and financial growth. Make sure to move your money into conservative instruments like savings accounts or fixed deposits.

The time between Oct 24, 2022 and Dec 31, 2022 will create a sudden debacle. Things may go out of your way during this period. Huge money loss through investments is possible. Your building construction projects will get stopped. Your health may get affected. You may lose your job with lay off or termination with no benefits. Think twice before taking any important decisions. You need to increase your spiritual strength to cross this testing period.

Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio Moon Sign)

You might have faced more obstacles and delays in the last year 2021. This new year will welcome you with a good note. Things will get much better for your career and finance between Jan 01, 2022 and April 14, 2022 with the strength of Saturn on your 3rd house and Jupiter on your 4th house. There will be minor problems in your relationship due to rahu transit on your kalathra sthana. There will be medical expenses for your family.

Once you reach April 14, 2022, your growth will skyrocket. Rahu and Ketu transit will support having a good relationship with your spouse and in-laws. Jupiter transit on your 5th house will increase your fortunes by multiple times. You will get promoted to the next level at your workplace. It is also a good time to explore new job opportunities. You will be happy with huge profits from stock trading. You will be happy in moving to a new home. Foreign travel opportunities are strongly indicated on the cards. If you are already in a foreign land, you will get your green card and citizenship during this year. If you are running favorable mahadasha, you will reach celebrity status around Nov 2022.

Think twice before taking important decisions between July 28, 2022, and Oct 23, 2022. Overall, this year is going to be a golden year for you in your lifetime.

Dhanushu Rasi

Jupiter on your 3rd house will affect your career and finance badly between Jan 01, 2022 and April 14, 2022. Saturn on your 2nd house and Ketu on your 12th house will increase the intensity of the problems. Unfortunately, you may have to face more challenges in multiple aspects of your life. You will have more office politics. Your promotions and salary hikes will get delayed. Your unwanted and unexpected expenses will increase. Avoid giving surety for bank loan approval to your friends and relatives. Already planned subha karya functions may get canceled or postponed. Legal troubles are also indicated on the cards. Stay away from stock market investments completely.

You will experience mixed results between April 14, 2022 and Nov 23, 2022. You will see little improvements in your relationship. Your work pressure will be manageable. Financial situation may get affected without giving any relief. If you are expecting any significant growth, it is unlikely to happen with the strength of gochar aspects.

You will have a good time between Nov 23, 2022 and Dec 31, 2022 as the malefic effects of sade sani are coming to an end. You may expect to have significant recovery on your finances. Your work pressure and tension will go down. The relationship with your spouse and in-laws will improve. It is a good time to conduct subha karya functions.

Makara Rasi (Capricorn Moon Sign)

You would have seen a disaster in your life during October and November 2021. But this new year will welcome you with a very happy note. Jupiter on your 2nd house will strengthen your chart. Ketu on your 11th house will amplify your fortunes multiple times. The negative energy Saturn and Rahu will get nullified. You may expect to see great success in anything you do between Jan 01, 2022 and April 14, 2022.

The time between April 14, 2022, and Oct 23, 2022, is looking very much average. This is going to be a dull period. You may have to reduce your expectations for your career and financial growth. As both Jupiter and Saturn are going retrograde, things will not get worse. It is okay to move into a new home and conduct subha karya functions. 

But things are likely to get much worse between Oct 23, 2022, and Dec 31, 2022. If you are not careful, you may lose all the fortunes you got between Jan 01, 2022, and April 14, 2022. You need to know your strengths and weaknesses to play your cards well to get success and move up in your life. Overall, I suggest you grab the opportunities and settle down well in your life before April 14, 2022. Then you need to go with conversative investments for the rest of the year 2022.

Kumba Rasi (Aquarius Moon Sign)

This new year starts with Janma Guru and Sade Sani. You cannot expect any benefits from Rahu and Ketu. This is not good news to you. The time between Jan 01, 2022 and April 14, 2022 is going to be a severe testing phase for you. Your energy level will get exhausted from doing even small work. You may feel dizzy. The relationship with your loved ones will get affected. There will be severe office politics and conspiracy. You may become a victim and get cheated on money matters. You will also suffer from income tax, audit problems and legal problems. You may experience emotional trauma before April 14, 2022.

You will get a good deal of relief between April 14, 2022 and July 26, 2022 as both Rahu and Jupiter will be in a good position. You will come out of the past painful incidents during this time. If you have lost your job already, then you will find a new job one. The relationship with your loved ones will get much better. You will see mixed results between July 26, 2022 and Nov 23, 2022.

You will have good fortunes between Nov 23, 2022 and Dec 31, 2022. You will be happy in a relationship with your family members. This is a good time to conduct subha karya functions. You will get a good work life balance. Your financial situation will improve a lot. It is a good time to buy and move into a new home.

Meena Rasi (Pisces Moon Sign)

Saturn will be in your 11th house of labha sthana is good news for you. The time between Jan 01, 2022 and April 14, 2022 will give you good results. You will be very successful in achieving your long-term goals. Jupiter on your 12th house will create subha Viraya expenses. You will be happy in conducting subha karya functions. Your family will gain a good name and fame in the society.

But you will experience mixed results between April 14, 2022 and Nov 23, 2022. You will have good fortunes due to favorable Saturn, but Jupiter will create obstacles. Nothing to be feared as Saturn will put back things to normal and give you great success. You will have modest growth at your workplace. There will be office politics, but you will be able to manage them and deliver projects on time.

But the time between Nov 23, 2022 and Dec 31, 2022 is going to be a severe testing phase. It could be a complete reversal in fortunes of what you experienced in the beginning of this year 2022. Make sure to settle down in your life very well before April 14, 2022.

 About the Astrologer

 Kathir Subbiah, a California-based astrologer and horoscope guide, also known as KT Astrologer touched millions of lives by extending his impeccable services. From ex US President Barack Obama to the current man in the US office- Joe Biden, Kathir Subbiah has delivered the most precise predictions and forecasts for the most sought after newsmakers. 


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