By Ryan Fernando
The Indian Government has started the largest Vaccination drive to minimize the chances of getting infected by the surge of the Covid 19 virus. Today through this article, we bring before you the 5 important foods to consume before and after taking the Covid 19 vaccine that would minimize the chances of any adverse effects.

The 5 important foods that one must consume pre-vaccination are listed below:
1) Turmeric
It contains a yellow-shaded compound called curcumin, which is regularly used to shading food sources and beauty care products. Turmeric is usually utilized for conditions including torment and aggravation. It’s a kind of go-to anti-stress food as it shields one’s brain from stress and is very much essential before vaccination. One can consume it with milk or mixed with different recipes.
2) Garlic
Garlic is incredible for boosting insusceptibility and feeding great gut microscopic organisms. “These are wealthy in probiotics which feed the probiotics (great microscopic organisms) in your gut. The consolidated impacts on decreasing cholesterol and pulse, and contain cancer prevention agents that ensure against cell harm.
3) Ginger
They may help your body fend off ongoing illnesses like hypertension, coronary illness, and infections of the lungs, in addition, to advance solid maturing. As they help to reduce stress one should consume before taking the vaccine to reduce stress.
4) Green Vegetables
Vegetables assume a significant part in food and healthful security. Green verdant vegetables are especially considered an excellent hotspot for nutrients, minerals, and phenolic compounds. Mineral supplements like iron and calcium are higher in verdant vegetables than staple food grains. Vegetables like spinach, kale, and broccoli are high in cancer prevention agents, which battle irritation that would somehow cause negative results.
5) Fresh Fruits
Leafy foods contain significant nutrients, minerals, and plant synthetic compounds. They additionally contain fiber. There are numerous assortments of leafy foods accessible and numerous approaches to plan, cook and serve them. It’s one of the essential ingredients to provide that boost to one’s body before taking a vaccine.
The 5 important foods that one must consume post-vaccination are listed below:
1) Blueberries
Loaded with cell reinforcements and Phyto flavinoids, these berries are additionally high in potassium and nutrient C. They likewise help in expanding serotonin levels. It’s a much-needed food that should be included post-vaccination.
2) Chicken/Vegetables Broth Soup
Our gut assumes an incredibly urgent part in keeping up by and large wellbeing, including a solid resistant reaction. To support your insusceptibility, it’s essential to take care of your gut. You can pack these loaded with brilliant veggies, mitigating flavors, and fiber. It’s a much-needed food that should be included post-vaccination.
3) Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is stacked with supplements that can decidedly influence your well-being. Produced using the seed of the cacao tree, it is probably the best wellspring of cancer prevention agents in the world. Studies show that dull chocolate (not the sweet poo) can improve your well-being and lower the danger of coronary illness and is a must when it comes to post-vaccination.
4) Virgin Olive Oil
It has likewise appeared to shield the body from diabetes, neurological diseases. Oleic corrosive, the most noticeable unsaturated fat in olive oil, has been found to lessen fiery markers like C-responsive protein and is a must when it comes to post-vaccination.
5) Broccoli
An examination by Nutrition Research tracked down that devouring steamed broccoli consistently brings down the danger of cardiovascular sickness by diminishing the aggregate sum of cholesterol in the body. Another investigation in the US likewise tracked down that expanding vegetables in the eating regimen, particularly cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, could lessen the danger of coronary illness. It could be consumed cooked with food or steamed.

- Make sure you’re drinking plenty of fluids.
- You can check with your doctor and then take some paracetamol to help ease any of these sensations.
- If your symptoms are more severe, or last longer than a week, tell the health worker who gave you the vaccine or visit the nearest hospital
Note: Last but not the least, there is no hard and fast rule as to the kind of foods that might suit all. Further, under such circumstances, one must get in touch with a doctor or a nutritionist to get an in-depth idea about the kind of food that might suit that particular individual pre and post-vaccination.
About the Author
Ryan Fernando is theFounder of QUA Nutrition, Celebrity & Sports Nutritionist