

5 ways to live a better lifestyle with the help of our dogs

Every year on August 26, the world acknowledges the delight of having a four-legged companion. They not only protect our homes, but they also make them a little joyful and warmer. The message is to encourage people to offer a safe, loving, and caring environment for the dogs and express gratitude to these creatures. This day promotes the adoption of canines as opposed to purchasing them. Let’s look at five ways our dogs help us live a better lifestyle in honour of International Dog Day.

  1. Mood enhancers: The fact that dogs instantaneously make you feel happy may be the most natural advantage of having a dog in your life and house. Even after a long day at work, it is tough not to smile when welcomed with — often vocal — joy by a friendly dog. It is a result of the hormone oxytocin released in our bodies. Our levels of oxytocin rise when we engage with dogs. This hormone improves our psychological well-being because it is primarily responsible for social connection.
  1. Lowers stress: Petting a dog can cause the production of oxytocin and a reduction in the stress hormone cortisol, making one feel more at peace. When stressed or anxious, we can quickly calm and soothe ourselves by stroking, caressing, or touching a loving dog. Pets also help us appreciate the present with their daily activities. They live in the moment, and their little activities reduce the stress to a large extent.
  1. Bridge for socialising: Dogs are known to foster human connection. Taking our dogs to the park brings an opportunity for them to interact/play with people and other animals while providing their owners with the ability to network with other paw parents in the area. They serve as a social bridge by giving their parents the most effective icebreakers.
  1. Building a routine and staying active: One of the reasons for the rise in mental health concerns during the pandemic could be a loss of structure in one’s day and routine. However, if we have a dog, we must create a timetable for caring for our pets. They need a routine for eating and exercising. A steady routine keeps them balanced and peaceful, giving us structure for the day. Their balanced routine is a mix of cuddles and playing. They have no qualms about putting a ball at our bedside and encouraging us to play, even on our laziest days. According to studies, pet owners had reduced blood pressure, most likely due to the active lifestyle which happens while adopting a dog.
  • Fight depression: Dogs make excellent therapists. Who else will love us unconditionally while also listening to our struggles without passing judgment? Any pet will stand with its owners no matter what, considering them the best people in the world. They are incredibly perceptive, so we can rely on their complete attention even when we are not feeling our best. They keep bringing up the fact that we are not alone.

By- Mr. Ambarish Sikarwar, Business Head, Zigly

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