Coco Chanel once said “There are no ugly women, only lazy ones”.
Tell this to a girl who is managing home and work every day. It’s not easy to look pretty while multi-tasking in an ambitious, barely surviving, time-poor, broke girl world.
CafePopShop, a new entrant in the Indian Fashion industry is trying to solve that problem of addressing a girl’s everyday needs in Fashion, Beauty and Experience by creating, curating and co-creating fashion looks to fashion buys which can make a girl, live the brand ideology “Sparkle Everyday”. A daily Fashion, Lifestyle and Beauty destination curated by women and for women who live and breathe fashion.
CafePopShop is the brainchild of Poonam Prahlad, a NIFT alumni who worked with brands like Reebok, Tommy Hilfiger and Levis, and then went on to successfully start and run a marketing agency for the last 10 years helping Fashion and Lifestyle brands build their Digital brand presence in India.
“The brands purpose is to create a platform where fashion lovers could enjoy chic clothing options, regardless of budget or personal style. In fashion, social media is the new street, and styles are evolving and becoming mainstream from everywhere around the world today. We hand-pick some of these must-try in-styles for women every day.” shares Poonam.