1. Please tell us about your journey. What made you start her channel?
Ans: It’s funny to look back at my journey after reaching this point. I only cooked for fun, mostly late at night for my sister and myself. Especially during COVID-19 when we were craving certain foods. I started the channel to have a medium for my creative expression with food and also, a little bit out of boredom. Covid gave me the opportunity and time to explore my dreams, and after Covid, when I started doing well, I quit my job. I’m so glad to have this platform now and looking back, I wouldn’t change a thing
2. Why the name ‘So Saute’?
Ans: That’s a tough question actually. Back when I first started, I was trying to find a name that could encapsulated my brand and what I wanted from this page. I brainstormed with a lot of friends and family members and eventually we came up with this name that seemed to fit my vision so perfectly.
3. What’s the most exciting thing about being a food content creator
Ans: What’s not exciting about being a food content creator? I get to explore different cuisines, in different places, I recently went to Singapore for work. I get to meet people who are as excited about food as I am. All my subscribers have now become my family and I would have never gotten the chance to meet so many wonderful people if it wasn’t for my work. I get to talk about things I am passionate about but my favorite part has to be the creative freedom I’m given. I love what I do and I get to do it however I want, it’s surreal
4. How do you combat the completion & keep the interest of the audience? How are you different?
Ans: My main goal is not to keep up with the competition and honestly, my competition is a set of wonderful food content creators, a lot of whom I’m friends with. I think most of what I do is purely out of what brings me joy and what I think my audience may enjoy. I try to stay fresh in content and consistent in the amount of content I am producing. After I put out the content into the world, it’s for my audience and nothing else
5. What about the daily challenges you face & how do you cope with them?
Ans: The biggest challenge I face is the workload. Being a content creator is neither easy nor quick, I try very hard to maintain a good work life balance. This has resulted in me making schedules upon schedules everyday so I can give enough attention to all the people I love, my dog coco especially
6. Tips to other aspiring content creators/ youtubers to achieve success
Ans: If you want this to be your career, then stick to it. It will require time, it will require patience. It’s going to be exhausting but at the end of the day, if you enjoy this, keep at it. Make friends, have fun. Rome wasn’t built in one day and neither will your following but eventually, you’ll be proud you keep going. Best of luck fellow content creators!

About Anjali Dhingra
Anjali Dhingra started So Saute, her Youtube Channel about two years ago.She has always been passionate about trying different food items. Especially the fusion ones on the menu. Even reviewing new food products that are launched in the market. When she named her channel ‘So Saute’ it didn’t have a lot of meaning but just sounded right to her. It was brought to her attention by some of her followers/audience that the influencer usually starts most of her voiceover with so/toh which generally fits perfectly with her username. Anjali gets her inspiration from everything that’s around her.