
Beauty & SkinHaircare

Ask Shahnaz Husain

Frequently asked questions answered by Beauty Maven:

How to apply mascara and make my lashes long?

Roll-on mascara is easy to apply. Buy a small eyelash brush too, in order to brush out the lashes, after applying mascara. Use a hand mirror and look downwards into it. Application is best this way. Apply it in two or three light coats, using upward strokes for the upper lashes and downward strokes for the lower ones. Wait for the first coat to dry and then apply the second one. After applying the final coat and letting it dry, brush out the lashes to separate them. If you apply a little powder on the lashes between the coats of mascara, they will appear thicker.

How can I prevent dandruff and hair fall? I wash my hair daily.  

If you wash your hair daily, use very little shampoo. Take one-fourth teaspoon shampoo (for very short hair), dilute with a little water and then apply. Only one application of shampoo is enough. Half an hour before shampoo, apply two tablespoons vinegar on the scalp, massaging it lightly into the scalp. Apply non-oily herbal hair tonic on the scalp daily, using cotton wool and leave it on. Once a week, at night, heat olive oil, or til oil and apply on the scalp. Next morning, apply the vinegar an hour before shampoo.  Include fresh fruits, raw salads, sprouts and yogurt in your daily diet. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water daily. Add the juice of a lemon to a glass of water and have it first thing in the morning. 

Can you tell me the preparation of henna to get a dark colour for my hair?

Adding amla and coffee to henna may give a darker colour to the hair. However, the natural colour of henna is reddish brown. If you wish to try it, soak a handful of dry amla in about 2 to 3 cups water overnight. Next morning, strain the water, but do not throw the water away. Grind the amla. To the henna powder, add the ground amla, 4 teaspoons each of lemon juice and coffee, 2 raw eggs, 2 teaspoons oil and enough amla water, so that the henna mixes into a thick paste. Keep the paste for two to three hours and then apply on the hair, so that the entire head is covered. Keep it on for at least two hours and wash with plain water.

About Shahnaz Husain

 Shahnaz Husain, pioneer of the Ayurvedic beauty movement, heads the Shahnaz Husain Group, with a global network of franchise ventures and 375 Ayurvedic formulations. A Case Study at Harvard for Brand Creation, she is now a Harvard Subject for “Emerging Markets” She was honoured with the Padma Shri Award and is the first woman in 105 years to receive the World’s Greatest Woman Entrepreneur Award from Success, the U.S. business magazine. Indeed, Shahnaz Husain is a leading international beauty icon.

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