How to balance healthy relationships when nowadays it’s hard?
Maintaining a healthy relationship has never been an easy task. In the days of old, unhealthy relationships or marriages could last for long due to societal pressure and norms. In the present time, we are seeing that people have become a little careless and are not willing to adjust. They have become self-centred which affects their relationship with their partner. In every couple, one person possesses the above-mentioned qualities which negatively affects the relationship with their partner.
Five things should be kept in mind and followed religiously to maintain healthy relations:
Both partners should give each other time. Time doesn’t mean they have to be on call for the whole day but, a decent conversation for a few mins daily and a small outing or a movie night 1-2 times a week is a must to keep the relationship growing. Spending time with each other will lead to a better understanding with your partner. Both of you would become aware of what the needs, wants and likes and dislikes of your partner. This would also make your partner feel wanted and not lonely.
2. Respect
One of the most important things to follow for a healthy relationship. Couples should respect each other by behaving in an appropriate way which acknowledges the presence of the other person. This is one factor which could make or break the relationship.
3. Communication
Partners that do not communicate with each other on a regular basis create a gap between themselves. Regular communication in everything should always be maintained no matter how small the thing is. It could be their day-to-day plans, schedules, opinions, thoughts etc. Through communication partners should also convey what they expect in a relationship.
4. Understanding
Communication alone will not solve the problem. Partners need to understand each other and act accordingly. A lack of understanding between the partners makes them irritated and frustrated which is one of the major reasons for arguments in a relationship.
5. Transparency
Couples should not hide anything from each other. Be it their past or present or any incidents which the partner must be aware of. Partners should know each other’s whereabouts and must share the right information with each other about the same.
Authored by Jeevika Sharma Relationship coach