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Bengaluru’s largest 5km Run , Edition 5 on March 8th 2020

My Country Run

My Country Run, Edition 5 invites Bengaluru to #RunForABetterTomorrow
Registrations open for My Country Run, Edition 5, Bengaluru’ own run

My Country Run, Edition 5, supported by Jain (Deemed-to-be University), the largest 5km run, is coming to Bengaluru with its fifth edition on Sunday, March 8 th 2020, Nice Road Tollgate, Hosakerehalli.To cheer for the participants many prominent dignitaries &public personalities – such as
Shri C T Ravi, Minister of Tourism, Kannada & Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs, Govt. of Karnataka,
Shi Tejasvi Surya, Member of Parliament- Bengaluru South, have confirmed their presence for the

MCR is certified by AIMS (Association of International Marathon and Distance Races), and is the
largest 5km run to encourage sports and raise awareness about health in Bengaluru. In its 5 th year the
event is expected to witness 15,000+ participants. There are three categories in MCR – Elite 10k,
Open 10K &Cool 5k.
Speaking on this momentous fifth edition of the run the spokesperson, Col (Hony.) Dr. N
Sundararajan, Vice Chancellor, Jain (Deemed-to-be University) said, “As we start gearing up for the
fifth edition of My Country Run, I must say I am extremely delighted by the acceptance and
encouragement we have received for our previous editions. With our motto of
#RunForABetterTomorrow this year we are expecting a greater participation and awareness about
health & fitness.
“As a nation, it’s heartening to see Govt. promoting “Khelo India”, which is a big boost to the nation
where sports was never considered as a career option. I am hopeful that My Country Run will surely
create that awareness.I urge Bengaluru to come forward and participate in large numbers.” He
MCR has reached out to more than 500,000+ people and a turnout of 40,000+ enthusiast runners in
the first four editions. It is entering into the 5th edition with trust and support of thousands of like-
minded people joining hands to support the cause. My Country Run is entitled in India Book of
Records & Asia Book of record.
Asapartofitsvaluesystem,Jain(Deemed-to-beUniversity),believesintheconceptofpromoting health and
encouraging individuals to pursue their passion. This belief system is the root for
organizing‘MYCOUNTRYRUN(MCR). As a part of its Social Impact Initiative to achieve the following
 To create awareness on good health and wellness for every single individual in the country
that, in turn, transforms into a Healthy Nation.
 To support deserving sportsmen with the best facilities and equip them to excel at National
and International level and also to create the next generation OLYMPIANS from
 To create a sports Eco System/Community of Sports
Online registrations are open for everyone. Health enthusiasts and runners can register themselves
by visiting the website

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