
Beautypersonal care

Best Ways To Make Lavender Essential Oil A Part Of Your Self-Care RoutineBy Dr. Blossom Kochhar

The power of smell and fragrance works in myriad ways on a person’s mind and body. Our nature can truly aid us to maintain our mental as well as physical well-being. Essential oil’s soothing and relaxing aroma makes them suitable to use as natural perfumes. These oils help to keep you refreshed & relaxed thereby promoting healing.

One of the best oils, my personal favourite, in Aromatherapy is Lavender oil. Also known as “Universal Oil”, the Lavender essential oil has multiple qualities that soothe nerves, ease pains, and fight palpitation. It is produced in France, Spain, Russia, and India.
The lavender essential oil has following innumerable benefits when used or added to our lifestyle.

  1. Lavender essential oil tones skin and helps in hair fall.
  2. It relieves cold, aches, pains, and rheumatic conditions.
  3. It soothes burns and insect bites.
  4. Regulates the nervous system.
  5. Highly antiseptic.
  6. Regulates high blood pressure.
  7. Counteracts stress and relieves fatigue and depression.
  8. Regulates scanty menstrual periods.

Following are the different ways to use lavender essential as a part of our self-care routine oil

Contrary to popular belief, Lavender oil can do wonders to your hair as well. Use hot organic castor oil along with 2 drops of lavender and rosemary essential oils each and massage into the roots of your hair for better nourishment. Cover your hair with a hot towel to let the oil soak in.

Lavender is one the best solutions for hair fall. Prepare a liquid by mixing 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil, 3 drops of rosemary oil, 3 drops of lavender oil, 3 drops of lemon oil with a wooden or plastic spoon. Massage this solution well into the hair roots and wash later using a mild herbal shampoo and condition it too. Regular use of this recipe promotes hair growth as well.

Another mix for hair care with lavender oil is, take a tablespoon of coconut/olive oil.  Add a teaspoon of castor oil. Add 3-4 drops of lavender essential oil in it.  Heat a little and massage it gently in your scalp and hair at night.  Shampoo it out in the morning.  Follow this routine at least once in two weeks.

If you have stubborn acne and pimples then lavender can be really helpful. A pack which you can try at home is by mixing 3 teaspoons of coffee with 1 tablespoon of gram flour, 3 teaspoons of honey, and 2 teaspoons of aloe vera gel and 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil. Keep the pack on for 15 minutes or until it dries and then rinse it off with normal water.

Add 4-5 drops of Lavender essential oil to your bathtub or 3-4 drops to your bucket and swish the water gently to mix the oil well. If you have dry skin, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil along with the. You can also add 2 tablespoons of vinegar into the bath water with 2 drops of lavender essential oil to make your hair feel and smell good. This will calm you and relieve you of all your stress as well.

Many times, you are out in the sun for hours and hours together and might get a sunburn or a heat rash, in that case, your go-to solution is Lavender oil. Add one or two drops of lavender essential oil to the bathwater to get some relief from the burning sensation. Apply iced water with a few drops of lavender essential oil, every 2 to 4 hours to the sunburned skin.

Lavender essential oils are ultra-soothing for the skin. It is antibacterial and kills acne-causing bacteria. It prevents skin dryness and heals painful acne breakouts.

Gently apply diluted lavender essential oil by dabbing it on the cleansed affected area. Allow it to dry. You can also mix a few drops of lavender essential oil to a toner or a moisturiser to use regularly.

You can also add lavender to your DIY exfoliator. Just mix 1 teaspoon of rice flower, 1 teaspoon aloe Vera, pinch of salt, 1 teaspoon curd and 2 drops of lavender essential oil. Use this paste to scrub off all the dirt from your face. After exfoliating, moisture your skin well to keep it hydrated and glowing.

If it can soothe your skin then surely it can soothe your mind. To keep your mind calm and composed, put a few drops of lavender oil on a tissue and inhale it, you can also sprinkle 2-3 drops on your pillow before going to bed, as it helps in giving a sound sleep.

Lastly but most importantly use lavender essential to relieve yourself from stress, it will calm your nerves and pep you up. A stress-free mind leads to beautiful skin and hair.

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