Gen Z is all about vibing with the right tribe, being the main character and sassing it up with every move they make. While the chemistry has to match when it comes to passing that ‘vibe-check’ when meeting someone new, being safe is #essential. Safety at all levels,from a selfie to a message is a no-brainer for the woke generation of today. Here are some of the top tips (and some tricks) straight from some Gen Z Tinder members, which will help you level up ☝️your safe dating game.

Always look for something more than ‘just a witty bio’
“One rule that I swear by is checking if the person has legit things mentioned like their job profile, and not merely a funny quote or a pickup line”, mentions Snehankitha Maddineni, a 23-year-old Tinder member from Hyderabad. Aryan Bhatia, a 23-year-old Tinder member from New Delhi shares another pro-tip, “I usually look for pictures with friends and – it’s my way of making sure that the person is real.” Speaking of bios, he adds, “Tinder’s Bio Guidance has also come in handy when I was writing my bio, it instantly removed personal details which weren’t necessary like my phone number.”
Make profile one of your #essentials

Shreyash Korde, a 23-year-old Tinder member from New Delhi, highlights, “The first and foremost checkbox to tick is a verified profile. It provides a modest level of security that the other person will not be an unexpected troll.” “If there is no blue tick, it is a no-go. With Tinder’s, you can be sure of the person being the same as their profile picture.” says Soham Dasgupta, a 20-year-old Tinder member from Kolkata.
Video Date can be a thing too
“Before seeing someone in person, I try to arrange video chats/dates with Tinder’s Face-to-Face feature. And I don’t do it for the sake of looks; it’s just a measure I take before meeting anyone. It’s safe, easy, and somewhat fulfilling.”, says Shreyash.
“Video dates are easy, breezy and help you spot any potential (or green). Since Tinder’s Face-to-Face feature only lets one video call its match when they have also proactively unlocked it, it kind of provides a sense of assurance that my match is also equally interested in knowing me if they are investing time in it”, Soham seconds.
Cut off the creeps, period
Shreyash underlines, “The ability to report someone even after unmatching is Tinder’s finest safety feature of all time. If I find a match to be sleazy, promiscuous, or disrespectful, I simply un-match and use the report option, and I feel assured that it will be taken care of. All you have to do is click on the ‘🛡️’’ button on the chat page to open the ‘Report’ option within Tinder’s Safety Toolkit.”
Keep your BFF updated at all times
Lastly, Shreyash notes, “I usually avoid revealing myto my match before we meet IRL. I always share my match’s profile with a friend to tackle unforeseen hiccups.”
P.S. the last pro-tip, “Always take your best friend’s approval on your match – if it’s not by them then this ain’t it, chief.”, jokes Soham.