By Ashish Dhingra, Founder of Obsessions.
Covid has become the epicenter of our lives as it hit the globe in the year 2019, leaving us baffled and making us alert of our every move. Cleanliness became the next apex point in our lives where one would be cautious enough to see to it they don’t get themselves infected. As cases surge the peak with changing numbers every day, it has become pivotal to have sanitizers and liquid hand washes at home.
Obsessions has been able to introduce sensor-based hand sanitizer and bins as the world faces the pandemic. These products do not require any direct contact with any of their parts. The user is meant to keep his/her hands under the dispenser wherein the sensors will detect and release a drop of sanitizer or would open the lid of the bin for the user to have a contactless experience. With a sleek design that is bound to blend in well and is sure to look like a decor piece with a dual function as a hand sanitizer, this is a must have piece.

Why feel sorry when you can be safe, and also grab a hold of this sleek design that is sure to impress.As the world confronts the pandemic through the second wave, it is important to have a contactless experience as equal as keeping it clean. .It also has been able to place itself further indirectly in the practices of cleanliness and germ/virus-free environment.
Ashish Dhingra, is the Founder of Obsessions.