
Health & FitnessLiving

Improve your heart health with these daily exercises

If you want to be healthy then maintaining your heart health should be your top most priority. And, you may be aware that exercise is the most effective approach to improve your heart health. In fact, if you don’t exercise, you’re more than twice as likely as someone who has a chance of developing heart disease. Experts recommend that you should exercise for at least 150-160 minutes every week.

Maintaining good heart health is maintained with regular physical activity. Exercise is one of the best tools for improving your heart muscle, maintaining a healthy weight, and preventing arterial damage caused by excessive cholesterol, high bp, and sugar leading to a heart attack or stroke. Here are some expert-recommended daily exercises that will improve your heart health:

1.      Walking

Yes, it appears to be too simple and easy. Walking, especially brisk walking, is, nonetheless, a fantastic way to boost your heart health. Fast walking raises your heart rate while being gentler on your joints than other forms of exercise. At any time, you can stroll anyplace. All you’ll need are some supportive sports shoes or sneakers. You can also walk with a companion while listening to music or listening to a podcast.

2.      Swimming

Swimming isn’t just for lazy summer afternoons in the pool.. Swimming laps or participating in a water aerobics class can provide you with a full-body exercise that will strengthen not just your body but also your heart. Swimming, unlike other forms of exercise, is gentle on your joints and also  allows you to move your body without any joint pain.

3.      Yoga

Yoga is beneficial for a healthy body and mind but it is most helpful for  your heart health. It also helps you tone and develop your muscles. Certain styles of yoga can raise your heart rate while also calming you down and lowering your blood pressure.

4.      Cycling

Cycling regularly has been demonstrated to lower heart disease risk. It makes use of your leg muscles, which helps to raise your heart rate. According to several studies, cycling has also been helpful for mental health as well.


Human heart is a muscle that strengthens and improves as you live a more active lifestyle. Including daily exercise like walking, cycling, yoga etc in your daily lifestyle will  be very helpful for maintaining heart health. So set your clock and make a routine of daily workout for 20-30 minutes per day and stay healthy.

About the Author

Rubaina Adhikari ,a fashion entrepreneur, a fitness enthusiast as well as a dietician is the Director at Happii Digital and Broadcasting Network Pvt. Ltd., the content production and digital initiative of SAB group. SAB Group is the leading media and entertainment firm that has footprints in broadcast, films, content production, and publishing domains. Based out of Mumbai, Rubaina is the better half of Indian film directorRavi Adhikari, and is the daughter-in-law of the Indian media veteran and pioneer, Gautam Adhikari/Markand Adhikari. In just a short span of time, she has emerged as a prominent personality in the communities of female entrepreneurs and fitness enthusiasts.

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