National Hairdressers & Beautician Association (NHBA) takes its pride in introducing A. Karan as the Best National Competitor Award in the Senior Ladies Creative Style Category at the First Ever Online OMC World Photo Championship for the Year 2020. A Karan, aged 24, is a former student and a trainer of Blossom Kochhar College of Creative Arts & Design. He was also the National Champion for WorldSkills Abu Dhabi 2018.

“It is a moment of pride and joy for all of us associated with NHBA to have known Mr. A. Karan. As the president of the organisation, I am so proud of Karan and his achievements” says Dr. Blossom Kochhar (Founder and President of NHBA). NHBA India, today, is a gateway for Indian professionals to become a part of the global hairdressing. And aesthetician family like OMC and ICD, she added.
National Hairdressers & Beautician Association (NHBA) India was founded in 1987. It is a body of leading hair designers/aestheticians which has a rich tradition of 33years of bringing professionals on a national and global platform. Today represents OMC India, a part of Organization Mondiale Coiffure (OMC), world’s greatest competition and educational organization. OMC, with over 33 categories, had conducted all the competitions online, giving a global platform to all make-up, hair and aesthetics and nail sector to become world champions in their own field. A total of 28 participants took part in OMC 2020 through NHBA.