
BeautyTrends product launch

MyGlamm launches its TVC featuring Shraddha Kapoor around the message ‘All Natural #NoNasties’

The campaign highlights MyGlamm as a brand that focuses on creating quality products that are high efficacy made with all natural and no chemicals in the formulae. The TVC features brand ambassador and investor Shraddha Kapoor.

This campaign follows the #TellMyGlammWhatYouWant campaign where women logged in to tell MyGlamm what they wanted from their beauty products. The film features Shraddha Kapoor introducing My SUPERFOODS Kajal’ which has No Parabens, No Mineral Oils, No Nasties while still being long-lasting and smudge-free and made with the goodness of nature. This is then followed by many girls trying applying the kajal with confidence and while highlighting the ingredients Avocado Oil, Goji Berries, Vitamin E and Sunflower Seed Oil.

Over the years, MyGlamm has built a platform for women to share their beauty stories and wishlist and creates products driven by this insight. MyGlamm aims to establish a beauty democracy by giving consumers the power to tell the brand what they want thus changing the entire experience of how women buy beauty products in India.

Commenting on the campaign, Apratim Majumder, CMO, MyGlamm says“Women have been telling us about what they want from their beauty products for a while now. We have been innovating to serve those needs with products. When they told us that they want a kajal that is not only long-lasting and smudge proof but also takes care of their eyes, we knew we had to do this. The campaign is about telling everyone out there who told us they need a kajal that cares, MyGlamm Superfoods Kajal is here for you!”

The campaign debuts on MyGlamm’s social channels- YouTube & Instagramon 16th  Septemberand will be further amplified across digital and mainline media.

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