by Dr. Blossom Kochhar
1. Coconut milk is the healthiest natural ingredient for healthy hair. The remedy you should try, mix freshly extracted coconut milk with a squeezed lemon and 4-5 drops of lavender essential oils. Leave it on for 4-5 hours and then rinse it off.
2. Before you shampoo your hair, take 1 tablespoon water and 10 drops of patchouli essential oil. With your fingers apply this all over your scalp and hair. Shampoo your hair as you normally do.
3. Add 2-3 drops of Ylang Ylang essential oil to your shampoo to include it in your regular care regime. This exotic oil is used as the main ingredient for Macassar hair oil, hairdressing pomade, in the Victorian era. It can also be used as a natural conditioning agent. It increases the production of sebum which makes it healthy and nourished.
4. The easiest way to treat an oily scalp is to have your first wash with an oil control shampoo. Do the second hair wash with moisture boost shampoo, this is especially for
the tresses.
5. Rather than going overboard with shampooing , switch to dry hair shampoo. Use it only on the crown and comb it into the tresses.
6. A big myth that I would like to rule out is, people with oily hair don’t need a conditioner. They need a conditioner as much as those with dry scalp; they just have to apply it on the tresses and not take it to the scalp. Use a light conditioner, avoid using hair masks.
7. To cut down oil from your hair, yet keeping it shiny use apple cider vinegar as your last rinse. Take 1 teaspoon for 1 mug of water.
8. Make sure that you use products that are formulated for oily hair only, like using oily hair oil and not castor or any other oil.
9. Oily hair means a lot of sticky dandruff as well, to eliminate it take 1 teaspoon lemon juice in coconut oil and apply it all over your scalp.
10. Stop running your hand or hairbrush through your hair frequently. This increases the sebum of it and causes oiliness. I am not saying to let them tangle, just try brushing a lot and just run your fingers through your tresses and enjoy the natural flow of your hair.
About the Author
Dr. Blossom Kochhar, is the Founder & Chairperson of the Blossom Kochhar Group of Companies