
cakes and bakesLiving


By Palak Shah-founder, Plush Cafe, Bandra

8 portion recipe 

Preparation time: 45 minutes

120 grams each


Serves: 8

This moist and tender carrot cake is perfect for a sweet treat! It’s easy to make and just happens to be vegan. 

Preparation & Making time: 45 minutes.


For the cake:

  • Almond flour 95 gm
  • Oats flour 105 gm
  • Jaggery powder 150 gm
  • Water 130 ml
  • Oil 160 ml
  • Banking soda 4 tp
  • Baking powder 8 tp
  • Carrot 193 gm
  • Cashew nut 60 gm
  • Sunflower seeds 50 gm
  • Vanilla essence 3 tp

Coconut Sauce:

Preparation time: 5 minutes

  • Coconut powder – 80gm
  • Water – 60gm
  • Maple syrup – 20gm


For the cake:

  1. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees.
  2. Grease your moulds and cover it with silver foil so it will hold your batter and give a clean finish to your cake.
  3. Take a bowl and mix jaggery powder and water together and keep on the side.
  4. Take one separate bowl and grate the carrot.
  5. Then add almond flour and oats flour in carrot.
  6. Add roughly chopped cashew nuts and sunflower seeds.
  7. Add baking soda, baking powder and cardamom powder.
  8. Then add all these ingredients in jaggery water and stir well.
  9. Lastly add oil and stir well until everything is combined properly. 
  10. Then pour 120gm batter in each mould to 180 degrees for 45min.

For the coconut sauce:

  1. Warm water and add coconut Powder and whisk it until it forms like a sauce then stain it and pour maple syrup.

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