In today’s time, meditation, mindfulness, and thoughtful practices have proved to be the key to fighting the insanity and stress they encounter every day. Addressing the issue, Dr Anju Sharma, a Psychic reformer, Sound & Energy Master, Wellness-Holistic Coach, International Speaker and Founder of the Musical Healing Band named “Sound of Infinity” conducted a workshop on ‘Role of meditation and mental peace’ for Jail Inmates at Tihar Jail No- 8. The workshop was organized by theNorth-West District Legal Services Authority.

Around 100 plus inmates attended this one-hour long workshop. The session started with a discussion on the thought process and how a thought process can change an individual’s life. During this discussion, Dr Anju Sharma threw some light on the five senses organs and emotional freedom technique. She discussed how one can work on their emotions and thought processes. She also emphasized knowing one’s own internal world, on what is going on within their body and mind. During the interactive workshop, the inmates were made to understand that their negative thought process landed them in the prison. They were advised to learn to love themselves and that the negative can be converted into a positive thought process which will brighten their future. Later, a sound meditation was conducted in which everyone meditated and focused on their mind and body and taught to relax the mind. Some instruments were used during the workshop like a crystal bowl to reduce the guilt of the person, Rainstick and Himalayan Tibetan bowl.
The workshop was directed by Tihar jail Superintendent Pawan Kumar for the first-time convicted prisoners. The objective of this workshop was to make these prisoners aware of their inner self and make them understand that their life is in their hands. They need to think positively to avoid any act of crime. It was a unique experience for everyone, and the jail inmates were enlightened by this experience.