Sober Gin is the first product from the portfolio of Sober (Distilled Non-Alcoholic Spirits). It isdistilled with organically grown herbs and mood-enhancing adaptogens such as Ashwagandha,Tulsi and Natural Green Tea Extract, exuding the same taste and flavour as the spirit withoutthe negative after-effects alcohol brings along. Natural herbs and botanicals are beneficialingredients, boosting the mood, relieving stress and anxiety- making the drink an impeccablealternative.Always wanting to explore the beverage business, Sober is the brainchild of founder VanshPahuja, who sought the gap in the market- finding either fancy cocktails or sugary mocktails onrestaurant and bar menus; working to strike a balance between the two.With bartenders getting their due credit, now being termed as ‘liquid chefs’, the Cocktail culturein India is on a high rise, leaving minimal to no space for good drinking options for thoselooking to give the spirits a miss. Sober seeks to bring the same experience to non-drinkers.Speaking about the birth of Sober, Vansh said ‘An array of personal instances lead to theculmination of Sober for me- be it finding only water or soda as a sober drinking choice whilemy friends clinked drinks at a bar one day, or finding my father a replacement for his belovedwhiskey that was now advised against by his doctor.

The last thread was when my pregnantfriend felt left out of her own celebration as we rose a toast to her, I knew I had to create asensible solution for this’As a global pandemic shook the world, India’s government banned all liquor stores, while on theother hand, all bars and restaurants were shut down. This was a turning point for Sober, aspatrons now craved an apt replacement for alcohol. Guidelines on strengthening the immunesystem made headlines, through which wellness was stressed upon and alcohol was cut down.Vansh then realised the power of Sober- one both beneficial and exciting.While tea or fruit juices could never replace drinks at a social gathering, tonic waters andpremixes also limit patrons to limited choices. Sober brings forth freedom of choice- replacingthe traditional gin as a base, letting consumers add their mixer of choice- creating with it whatthey love best!Sober Gin substitutes 1:1 in place of any traditional alcoholic gin. It can be poured with anytonic, water or soda, or any beverage one would ideally add gin to, making for a sensationalsipping experience.Guaranteed not to feel left out; be it a night out one must safely drive home from, or religiousreasons to stay sober- be it pregnancy or merely freedom of choice- Sober is the solution to allnon-drinkers woes- giving them the same experience as all others!

Currently, the first batch of Sober Gin is being distilled and prepared in collaboration withSpaceman Spirits Lab and is expected to market this Winter. In the future, the brand seeks to create Sober Rum, and eventually add Sober Whiskey to their portfolio as well.