
LivingSociety CommunityWebinar

Sound Healing Guided Meditation

Overcome your Fears & Anxieties

Dr Anju Sharma, a  Psychiatrist, Sound & Energy Master, Wellness-Holistic Coach, International Speaker and Founder of the Musical Healing Band – “Sound of Infinity”  organized a free online meditative workshop to treat Fear and Anxiety recently through a webinar.

Human emotions are unavoidable and fear is one of the most powerful emotions. It has a very strong impact on your mind and body. Our adrenal glands start flaring when something wrong or threatening or maybe something very important is going to happen. That feeling is called anxiousness. It is human’s nature to avoid situations that create such emotions. With the lockdown, many of the people are facing these emotions –Fear or Anxiety.

Fear and Anxiety are a cognitive state that can control other emotions, in short, the mind cannot regulate other emotions. Alcohol dependence, depression and various other conditions are strongly related to anxiety. Many people become so overwhelmed with these emotions that they try to avoid circumstances that make them fearful or anxious. This process continues in their lives and gradually it becomes hard to break the cycle. It is crucial to identify the symptoms of fear and anxiety and taking steps to manage the condition without any medical assistance. Through this meditation, she got everyone familiarize with anxiety-inducing thoughts and circumstances.


Many types of research have proved that a consistent meditation practice neutralize the pathways in the brain and, hence, improvise the ability to regulate other emotions. Meditation helps to focus. When done properly and regularly, meditation enables you to slow down and observe the world without judgment.

 It gives the strength and wisdom to analyze and understand those thoughts/situations and gradually let them go. While doing so, one will learn an important aspect of our emotions that is thoughts do not define us. Meditation also helps in enhancing the skill of body awareness. It teaches us to focus on each body part and take our attention to any physical sensations felt at that moment.

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