
Art culture exhibitionLiving

#TeaSocietyCalledIndia an initiative by Society Tea @Kala Ghoda Arts Festival 2020



Society Tea is all set to showcase their first ever visually appealing and extremely engaging installation #TEASOCIETYCALLEDINDIA, at the 21st edition of Kala Ghoda Arts Festival from 1st February 2020 to 9th February 2020 in Mumbai. If there is one thread that binds us unequivocally as a nation, no matter what our differences may be, one ritual that truly symbolizes ‘unity in diversity’, and one common language that transcends regional distinctiveness, it is ‘our love of tea’. This is the core theme presented through the installation.

Celebrating the unifying and proudly home-grown tea drinking culture across the length and breadth of our country, Society Tea’s wonderful human interest #TEASOCIETYCALLEDINDIA installation aptly depicts this culture via a photo essay series.  An amalgamation of images, this installation captures the ultimate societal truth that defines India and Indian-ness, right from Kanyakumari to Kashmir and Meghalaya to Mumbai


Karan Shah, Director, Society Tea

“It feels great to be a part of the largest multicultural festival, Kala Ghoda Arts Festival and represent the tea drinking culture of India through our beautifully captured photo essay installation. Between us and our cup of tea there is an everlasting bond that’s inextricably woven into the very fabric of our national identity. Tea Society Called India is an attempt at showcasing this bond.

#TEASOCIETYCALLEDINDIA has collaborated with NGO’s namely, Advitya (specially-abled children), World For All (animal care) & The Foundation (underprivileged children), so when you buy the images from the photo essay series, you donate the proceeds one of the three NGOs doing a lot of good work in their respective fields.

How does this work?

  • Choose an image of your liking
  • Choose the NGO you want the proceeds to go to
  • Make a purchase

Video Link:

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