

World Heart Day 2021_Fortis Hospital Survey

In the past 18 months of the pandemic, doctors have witnessed a surge in the number of cardiac incidences among young adults. This alarming trend prompted teams at Fortis Hospital, Mulund & Kalyan, Hiranandani Hospital, Vashi and SL Raheja Hospital, Mahim, to reach out to Mumbaikar’s, aiming to understand people’s awareness levels and preparedness for cardiac events.

The survey centers around key factors such as knowledge about heart ailments, risk factors, immediate actions that need to be taken, behavior & lifestyle changes made during the pandemic, and significance given to health. The findings brought to fore that despite increased significance of heart health in the past few months, it isn’t a priority for many.

Key findings of the survey:

  1. COVID19 related:
  • 53% Mumbaikars believed that COVID19 significantly increases the risk of heart ailments, while 47% were not of the opinion 
  • 63% Mumbaikars believed that the COVID19 pandemic made it unsafe for them to walk & exercise outdoors, especially with existing heart conditions 
  • 72% Mumbaikars believed that their heart diseases may develop more severe symptoms and complications if they got infected by COVID19
  1. Changed work patterns related:
  • 65% Mumbaikars understood that sitting for long periods was not ideal. Taking frequent breaks, and walking around may help prevent heart ailments
  • 20% Mumbaikars who regularly exercised believed that sitting for work for a few hours was definitely not detrimental to their health
  1. Importance of preventive health checks:
  • 75% Mumbaikars believed that between 30-50yrs is an ideal time for both genders to opt for preventive heart-care check-ups
  • Nearly 14% Mumbaikars believed that keeping a tab one’s health status is not really important if one does not have a family history of diseases such as Diabetes, heart ailments, etc.
  1. Response to emergency:
  • In case of a family member/ co-worker experiencing a cardiac emergency, 43% people said they would check symptoms, call an ambulance, and take the patient to a nearest hospital; only 23% people knew how to give a CPR
  • 15% Mumbaikars were unsure of the symptoms and were not sure of the actions that had to be taken during cardiac emergency
  • 19% Mumbaikars believed that giving the patient an Aspirin & calling the doctor would be their first response
  1. Knowledge about risk factors:
  • 75% Mumbaikars were aware of the behaviors and conditions that increased the risk of heart disease
  • 82% Mumbaikars knew the lifestyle changes they needed to make to have a healthy heart
  1. Gender specific:
  • 69% Mumbaikars knew that conditions such as Endometriosis, Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD), Diabetes and other gender-specific factors increased the risk of heart diseases
  • 51% Mumbaikars believed that women are less likely to attend cardiac rehab sessions, take medication regularly, and make necessary lifestyle changes for good heart health

Dr S. Narayani, Zonal Director, Fortis Hospitals Mumbai, who spearheaded this initiative said, “It is evident from the survey findings that the pandemic has lulled us into lethargy, thereby impacting all aspects of our life. It is imperative for us to understand that the COVID19 pandemic does not get an upper hand over one’s health; remaining cognizant of one’s health parameters and reporting misleading symptoms is crucial. As guardians of health, we want to remind you to take charge of your health, and that of your loved ones, don’t let the changes working patterns, changed social engagement patterns and fear of hospitals steer you away from living a healthy life”.

Talking about the findings, Dr Atul Limaye, Senior Interventional Cardiologist, Fortis Hospital, Mulund, said, “The survey is an eye-opener! The fact that over 60% of people are aware that sitting for long hours causes health ailments, yet nearly 40% do not find time to exercise and stay fit, is concerning. The incidence of heart disease is steadily rising along with the epidemic of Diabetes and obesity. Primary reasons being unhealthy lifestyles that lead to hypertension, high cholesterol, further fueled by smoking & drinking, stress, irregular eating habits, inadequate sleep, lack of exercise and negligence towards one’s health. There is an urgent need to sensitise people that the lifestyle they adopted during the pandemic is even more detrimental and that urgent efforts need to be made to ensure better quality of life”.

“People who fall under the high-risk category must go in for regular check-ups and timely management of disease. If presented with unusual symptoms, no matter the age, emergency aid must be sought. Its heartening to see that nearly 85% Mumbaikars knew how they could offer emergency aid, till the patient was brought to the hospital. It shows in true spirit how awareness and knowledge can empower people to care for themselves and for others better”, said Dr Brajesh Kunwar, Head-Interventional Cardiology, Hiranandani Hospital, Vashi – A Fortis Network Hospital.

Dr Zakia Khan, Sr Interventional Cardiologist and Head-Cardiology Dept. & CATH Lab, Fortis Hospital, Kalyan, adds, 

“COVID19 has compelled people to switch to digital mediums for work, shopping, banking, learning, and other activities. People must harness the power of digital health to improve awareness, prevention, and management of CVDs. Use telehealth services to stay connected with the doctors, seek online training for yoga & exercise at home, bring discipline to one’s lifestyle and stay positive. It’s the perfect time to reach out and connect with your community, especially friends and family who are living with heart ailments, and motive to take action against CVDs. Also for people who are not tech savy for them our all branches are open to take care of their them with physical consultation and delivering emergency health care with appropriate covid protocols”

“These are the times when health must be given priority. Fortis study highlights the significance of heart health and people’s understanding of appropriate action in this direction. This new analysis comes as the COVID-19 pandemic shines the spotlight on managing working hours as well. The pandemic is accelerating developments that could feed the trend towards increased working time and therefore, the need for people to opt for targeted health check-ups”, said Dr Haresh Mehta, Interventional Cardiologist, SL Raheja Hospital, Mahim

The insights gathered from this study will further help Fortis Hospital to strengthen its health services while incorporating health consciousness among citizens of Mumbai. It is also help the government, corporates, healthcare providers and community at large to work together to take appropriate actions to protect the health and wellbeing of people.

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